Res Ipsa Recommends 4 Classic Reads | RES IPSA - RES IPSA

Res Ipsa Recommends 4 Classic Reads | RES IPSA

With June heating up, it's time we all make an effort to sit back, relax and kick our feet up to read! Whether it's a weeknight or the weekend, you're traveling or at home, we typically like to unwind each day with a really good book. We thought we'd share 4 short, classic reads that are stocked & sold on the bookshelves in our two flagship stores in Nantucket and Aspen.

We believe in the power of these 4 stories. In fact, we find our strength and Truth so much that our gang rereads them every single year for renewed inspiration and paralleled footing in the central vision for our brand. We highly recommend you find your favorite spot -- a beach, hammock or reclining chair -- and explore these 4 classic reads this June. 


 The Alchemist – Paul Coelho 

Travel alongside one boy’s timeless adventures as he journeys to find his Personal Legend. Along the way, he discovers riches greater than he ever imagined. How far will he make it and where will his adventures lead him? Maktub. (It is written).

            “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” – Paulo Coelho

2) Shoe Dog – Phil Knight

            Obviously, as a shoemakers we find inspiration from Nike. But do you know the story of how Nike became the Empire it is today? In this #1 New York Times bestseller, Knight recalls how it all started when he set out with just fifty dollars on his way to creating one of the world’s most iconic, game-changing brands. From its rise as a start-up to its ultimate victory – Knight takes us with him around the world and on every step of his storied journey over the past 50 years to share his story about Nike.     

            “History is one long processional of crazy ideas.” – Phil Knight

3) The Four Agreements - Miguel Ruiz

In The Four Agreements, bestselling author don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love. 

"The world is very beautiful and very wonderful. Life can be very easy when love is your way of life. You can be loving all the time. This is your choice. You may not have a reason to love, but you can love because to love makes you so happy. Love in action only produces happiness. Love will give you inner peace. It will change your perception of everything." - Miguel Ruiz

4) The Seat of the Soul - Gary Zukav 

The Seat of the Soul encourages you become the authority in your own life. It will change the way you see the world, interact with other people, and understand your own actions and motivations. Beginning with evolution, Gary Zukav takes you on a penetrating exploration of the new phase humanity has entered: we are evolving from a species that understands power as the ability to manipulate and control—external power—into a species that understands power as the alignment of the personality with the soul--authentic power. Our evolution requires each of us to make the values of the soul our own: harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life. Using his scientist’s eye and philosopher’s heart, Zukav shows us how to participate fully in this evolution, enlivening our everyday activities and all of our relationships with meaning and purpose.

“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You receive from the world what you give to the world.” - Gary Zukav

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