How Might we Travel in 2050? | RES IPSA - RES IPSA

How Might we Travel in 2050? | RES IPSA

We believe that every person should travel as far as they can and as often as they can. We believe that travel is important because it opens minds and hearts. We believe that you get back what you put out. These are just three of our ten core beliefs.

Fifty years ago, travel was reserved for the elites--the "jet set". Travel has become more widely available, yet we live in a world where only 18% of the population has ever flown. Travel is a luxury few can afford, but it's also an experience that we believe is integral to our human experience. There is no doubt travel will be different in 2050. "How will we travel the world in 2050?"

1. Flight Rationing. If the aviation industry was a country, it would rank among the world’s top ten emitters of carbon dioxide (CO₂). Every person could be allocated a maximum number of “flight kilometres” each year. 

2. Electric Aeroplanes. The world’s first all-electric commercial airliner was unveiled in Paris in June 2019. The craft is called Alice and it carries nine passengers for up to 650 miles (1,040km) at 10,000ft (3,000 metres) at 276mph (440km/h) on a single charged battery. It’s expected to enter service in 2022.

3. The Zeppelin.  Concentrated helium is lighter than air and when divided into gas sacks, the vessel can stay aloft if any are breached while propellers powered by flexible solar panels can help navigation.

4. Orbital Rings. An orbital ring is a strong steel cable in orbit just above the atmosphere – 80km above Earth.The structure would be connected to the ground by cables, with an elevator giving access to the ring in less than an hour. Frictionless, magnetic train tracks could transport passengers at incredible speeds, reaching the other side of the world in 45 minutes.

The urgent question of the day is this: how can we create responsible and affordable travel opportunities for more people while curbing the undeniable impact of carbon dioxide emissions

In this article, a professional traveler grapples with the role he plays in climate change: "I Am a Travel Writer, and I Am Part of the Climate Problem"


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